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Effective Internet Development
More Than Just Web Design

Internet & Web Development

Internet development is more than just designing and publishing a basic website. Professional businesses need a professionally developed Internet solution – not just a ‘website!’

Domain Registration and Strategy

Email Marketing

Internet Development

Microsites and Mini-Sites

Onlne Marketing

Online Surveys

Rich Media (online)

Search Engine Marketing -
(e.g. SEO, SES, PPC)

Selling/Trading Online -
eCommerce and eBusiness

Web Analysis and Performance

Web Design/Websites

Web/Internet Hosting


Internet Development

Professional businesses need a professionally developed Internet solution – not just a ‘website!’ Internet development is more than just designing and publishing a basic website. Our aim is to develop a bespoke internet strategy to ensure the client’s internet presence matches the commercial needs of their business, based on their requirements and targets for the project -

The need for professional internet development not just website design.

MC2 Internet Development

For many years now we have been 'banging the drum' that because a company has a website they don't necessarily have an internet development or strategy.

The website and web design aspect makes up a relatively small part of the overall internet development strategy. Unless supporting elements such as reliable hosting, the right domains, effective copy and an online marketing strategy are in place, the website will more than likely end up being ineffective and a wasted investment, regardless how fantastic the website looks.

Professional businesses need a professionally developed Internet solution – not just a ‘website!’

Internet development is more than just designing and publishing a basic website.  MC Squared use their experience to develop a bespoke internet strategy to ensure the client’s internet presence matches the commercial needs of their business, based on their requirements and targets for the project.

At the end of the project, MC Squared’s clients have a powerful internet-presence, rather than just a web site! The components of an effective internet development will typically include some if not all of the following :

Intranet Development

Intranet – A lot of companies and organisations now have their own internal networks, however quite often these aren't used as diversely as they could be. Such networks could be used in a manner similar to that of larger company Intranets for the quick and effective dissemination of information organisation-wide. They can also be used for staff training, news or general information.

MC Squared can assist in the best way to develop your company intranet to maximise the effectiveness of the site. One example of our work was with West Midlands Police Service in developing an intranet site for the dissemination of information within the Service network.


MC2 New Media
Hilton Hall, Hilton Lane, Essington, South Staffordshire, United Kingdom, WV11 2BQ
T: +44 (0) 8450 537 002  -  F: +44 (0) 1902 730 772 -  E: studio@mc2newmedia.com  -  W: www.mc2newmedia.co.uk