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Generate Interest, Awareness and
Promotion Your Event to New or Existing
Groups, Attendees, Visitor and Exhibitors

Event Promotion with MC2 New Media

Not only is the use of multimedia and new media solutions prevalent in the guise of DVD, visual presentations, corporate video, interactive kiosks/terminals and CD-business cards – but this is just the tip of the iceberg as MC Squared can implement new media tools to help promote and raise awareness and understanding of the forthcoming event.

Through the use of a microsite and/or internet (online) marketing an event can generate added interest, awareness and promotion very quickly and cost effectively, whether this be to a new or existing group of attendees, visitor and exhibitors, it is also possible to use such new media solutions to allow for event reservations and booking online and even to measure the effectiveness of past events through online customer surveys.


MC2 New Media
Hilton Hall, Hilton Lane, Essington, South Staffordshire, United Kingdom, WV11 2BQ
T: +44 (0) 8450 537 002  -  F: +44 (0) 1902 730 772 -  E: studio@mc2newmedia.com  -  W: www.mc2newmedia.co.uk