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Measure Market Opinion and Market Trends
with New Media Research Tools

Market Research Assistance from MC2 New Media

To know exactly what your market wants, where the market is and ultimately what your customers are thinking is almost priceless in gaining clear market advantage on your rivals. Through the use of various new media and internet techniques market research is possible with relatively minimal cost. Whether this be through the implementation of feedback forms, online surveys or forums to name just a few, MC Squared can assist you and your marketing consultant in gaining additional market research information.

The application of a well defined and structured internet strategy along with a well managed email campaign can be very useful tools in measuring market opinion and market trends. This could be through the application of technologies such as online surveys working alongside email newsletters, E-zines and email campaign management. This is an effective way to not only keep in contact with existing or new clients, but also to gauge opinion and obtain valuable market research information and customer feedback.

MC Squared can develop a website performance report detailing how well an existing website is performing and where it can be improved. Its not just the ‘number of hits’ that is important. This is a very minor and relatively invalid statistic used by many developers to exaggerate site performance. MC Squared is not only focussed on helping you to understand the statistics but we will work with you to help improve your site performance, and added to this, provide crucial market research information that can be used to supplement both your online and offline marketing strategy.


MC2 New Media
Hilton Hall, Hilton Lane, Essington, South Staffordshire, United Kingdom, WV11 2BQ
T: +44 (0) 8450 537 002  -  F: +44 (0) 1902 730 772 -  E: studio@mc2newmedia.com  -  W: www.mc2newmedia.co.uk