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An Appreciation of New Media
How it Can Benefit and Assist
You and Your Organisation

Launching a New Product
or Service

The cost and expense involved in the development and marketing of a new product or service can be very expensive. Through the application of various internet and multimedia solutions and services, MC Squared can help in the acceleration and promotion of a new product or service to a specific target market or a more generic customer base -

Launching a New Product/Service?

Internet Development

Professional businesses need a professionally developed Internet solution – not just a ‘website!’ Internet development is more than just designing and publishing a basic website. Our aim is to develop a bespoke internet strategy to ensure the client’s internet presence matches the commercial needs of their business, based on their requirements and targets for the project -

The need for professional internet development not just website design.

New Media Help and Advice from MC2

Many people take the 'ostrich' approach when it comes to IT, ICT (sorry – Information Technology and Information Communications Technology) and New Media. To an extent this is understandable, 'burying you head in the sand' may be the easiest way to tackle the implementation of a New Media solution, however this approach may end up being more costly through lack of understanding and appreciation.

MC Squared has always taken the approach to inform our clients and attempt to educate them in New Media and the associated areas on Internet, Multimedia and Online Marketing, through a 'plain English' approach. We firmly believe that by limiting technical speak with our clients they have a greater appreciation and understanding of what MC Squared can offer in terms of new media solutions and develop a greater appreciation of the return on the investment.

To help you get a better understanding of New Media, MC Squared have developed a set of resources that will hopefully give you a better appreciation of what new media is, and how it can benefit and assist you and your company/organisation. These resources include an introduction to online marketing, an introduction to internet development, an introduction to multimedia, a new media glossary and a group of useful online new media links and resources.

MC2 New Media
Hilton Hall, Hilton Lane, Essington, South Staffordshire, United Kingdom, WV11 2BQ
T: +44 (0) 8450 537 002  -  F: +44 (0) 1902 730 772 -  E: studio@mc2newmedia.com  -  W: www.mc2newmedia.co.uk